
The trailhead begins in the Waialae Iki community approximately 1.5 miles in from the access road.  So it was paved and or flat with a wide trail for a very good portion of the hike.  A stroll through the park if you will, especially compared to what I'm used to.  You follow the ridge line up to a HECO tower, and shortly after to the KST.  Extremely pleasant conditions; overcast with a gentle breeze.  It also cleared up just in time for us to get a view down into the valley from the peak.  My phone died at this moment, so I just exercised being present.  I haven't done this trail since high school, an eon ago, and so the only thing I could remember about it was the mud.  We had lucked out.  Although it had been raining on and off the few days prior, with a light sprinkle as we were on the trail, we came out with just some mud on our hands and feet.  I'll admit as we pushed forward closer to the summit and I started noticing grooves from spikes gouged into the wet earth I wondered if it was a good idea that I had left mine in the car.  The worry was alleviated when I saw a trio making their way down with nothing but Altra's on their feet. (Prior to this a father and daughter said they turned around cause it was too muddy.)  There were only two sus areas nearing the summit as you get in the last bit of elevation gain.  Overall, a nice follow up for Saturday evening libations.

There was also a cute doggo with heterochromia that successfully scared the shit out of me after she had just done the same herself in the brush.  She came out like HELLO! and my reaction being; NEHDJDKSNDBNDKL!?!??!  Then after catching my breath gave her plenty of pets.


  • 2L of water and a light snack.
  • According to AllTrails the trek is roughly 4.7 miles, with an elevation gain of 1512 feet.
  • Sunscreen & Bugspray.
  • Crampons are optional if going on a rainy day.
  • Bring your kahones.

Disclaimer:  You're your own best judge of character.  This is in no way shape or form an official hiking guide.  All hikes traversed are at your own risk.  I'm just here sharing my own experience(s).


  1. Is this blog still active? Such good articles!

    1. Yes, apologies. Doing these posts usually take me a lot of time because I have to do quite a bit of my own reading to compile information and then of course condense. I just posted some "new stuff" that's been backdated. Thanks for reading!


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