Apples & Peanut Butter lvl +.

CRAVING You ever get a craving so bad that you waited to satiate?  The urge overwhelms you like a wild animal with blood lust; not dissipating until finally quenching your thirst.  As you can guess from the title, I've, sadly enough, had this for apples and peanut butter.  It was a childhood staple, that spicy food and sour cream or ketchup, but I wanted something that wasn't so blah.  So cue today's dessert:  The APB morsel, featuring a white cake with a strawberry infused peanut butter frosting and topped with an apple spice compote.

The following post is more vague than usual.  I do these visual guides to, generally, lead you in the right direction so that you are able to interpret the recipes and alter them as you wish-so more or less for inspiration.  Please note that today's dessert was fairly time consuming.

The end.


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